postal code


postal code 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. British. postcode.
  2. Canadian. a mailing code system similar to the zip code in the U.S. and the postcode in Britain.

postal code 近义词

n. 名词 noun

numerical identifier for address

postal code 的近义词 4

更多postal code例句

  1. Now in addition to name, email, phone number and postal code, advertisers can opt to collect city, state, country as well as business contact information, including company name, job title, work email, work phone.
  2. Based on a true story” is film code for “this may or may not have happened, but almost certainly not in this way.
  3. In Brazil people color code their underwear according to their needs.
  4. These addresses were used by whoever carried out the attack to control the malware and can be found in the malware code itself.
  5. The source code for the original “Shamoon” malware is widely known to have leaked.
  6. Goff says he registered a postal forwarding service there.
  7. It is no part of the present essay to attempt to detail the particulars of a code of social legislation.
  8. The minimum wage law ought to form, in one fashion or another, a part of the code of every community.
  9. Plato, dissatisfied with the laws of his country, wrote out a code of morals and laws which he thought much better.
  10. The objectors consider it to be a most selfish doctrine without any warrant in the civilised code of morality.
  11. Why is a cankered tie indissoluble, notwithstanding the great maxim adopted by the code, Quicquid ligatur dissolubile est?